Epic Mastiffs is located in Minnesota. I fell in love with the mastiff many years ago and decided that I would like to breed and show them as my hobby. Upon doing my research I came to realize that it would require a lot of hard work and dedication. Pedigrees, health testing, showing and hours on the computer learning the conformation and health challenges of the breed. Mastiffs became more than my hobby they became my passion. My goal as a breeder is to produce healthy companion pets with sound temperaments that conform to the mastiff standard. Test I perform on the dogs in my breeding program are hips, elbows, patellas, thyroid, cardiac, eyes, degenerative myopathy, cysterniaria, CMR and PRA. Even with all the tools we have with genetic testing it is impossible to rule out all genetic problems in the breed. I highly suggest before anyone acquire a mastiff they do extensive research on the health of the breed. Some problems known to the breed are cancer, bloat, heart issues, growth problem, epilepsy, allergies, hip and elbow dysplasia, and eye issues. These are just a few of the more common problems. With all that being said I can't imagine not having at least one.
Accomplishments Epic mastiffs has two girls in the MCOA Hall Of Fame. Danni has produced six champions and Breena five. Our girl Epics Farmer Girl (Jorgie) was also Winners Bitch at the 2014 MCOA National Speciality. She went on to earn her Championship at 8 months and is the youngest female mastiff to have accomplished that. She then went on to earn her Grand Championship at ten months. To date she is the youngest Mastiff to receive that title. Our boys Epic Northern Pike and Epics Touché 2 U also did well at the MCOA National Speciality in 2015. Pike won Best In Junior Futurity and Wally won Best Of Opposite Sex Sweepstakes. We have enjoyed producing and showing our mastiffs and hope to do so for many more years.
Please feel free to look at our dogs and contact me with any questions.
Lisa Armstrong
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